Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Undines ( Water Elementals )

Undines ( Water Elementals )
This is a classification for those beings associated with the water force and element. Wherever thee is a natural source of water, they can be found. All water upon the planet, : Rain, River, Ocean, has undine activities. They, like the gnomes, are also subject to mortality, but they are more enduring.

Water is the well of life, and these beings are essential to finding that well within. They are essential to awakening the gifts to empathy, healing, and purification.

Many tales have come down to us of various water sprites and spirits, including mermaids. These are a more highly developed level of farie working with and in the water element. The undines themsleves though, are more primal and not as developed. They often appear in female form, although there are both male and female forms of the more developed water spirits ( eg : mermen and mermaids ).

The undines work to maintain the astral body of humans and to awaken and stimulate our feeling nature. They assist in unfolding heightened psychic feelings, as well as emotional ones. Theirs is the energy of creations, birth, intuition, and creative imagination.

They assist us in absorbing and assimilating life experience, so that we can use them to the fullest. They help us see and feel the fullest ecstasy of the creative acts of life, be they sexual, artistic, or performance of a duty with the right emotion.

Undines often make their presence known through our dreams. Dreams of water and sensuality often reflect undine activity and their urging to greater creativity in our life. Working with them can assist us in controlling and directing dream activity, as passions for life may reflect a need to get in attunement with our personal undine or those water spirits who can affect our feeling nature.
Failure to connect with the water elementals on a regular, balanced level can increase toxicity levels of the body, for the water wont flow and cleanse.

On the other hand, too much connection with water elementals and nature spirits can make us water-logged with emotions and contradictory feelings. Water retention in the body is often a physical signal of this. It can make you self absorbed with a pronounced imagination and even extreme behaviors. It can maked you compulsively passionate. It may generate oversensuality, overwhelming fear, and secretiveness. You may be spending all of your time yearning and enoting, rather then doing , and there will arise a heightened sense of vulnerability.

Through our personal undine, we can get in touch with feelings and deeper emotions. It can help awaken us to the oneness of creation. It stimulates our nurturing abilities and opens us to the emotional pool where we can find healing compassion and intuition. Because of its fluid nature, the undine is b est controlled through firmness.

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