Sunday, February 10, 2008


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The Sphinx is a creature of great mystery. To the Greeks, it was a winged monster having the head of a woman and the body of a lion. In Phoenicia, it had the body of a lion and either a male or female head. To the Egyptians, it was a figure having the body of a lion and the head of a man, ram, or hawk.
The sphinx was a symbol of divine knowledge, and the power of the mind to raise us to new heights and perceptions. This creature was the guardian of ancient mysteries. To be ope to the mysteries, you often had to pass a test or solve a riddle. The penalty for failing was death. Often the Sphinx itself would devour the individual. In many ways , this signifies the danger of knowledge not applied or misused. Forgetfulness, ignorance, or any disease of the mind would prevent you from gaining access to the true mysteries and higher wisdom.
Encountering the Sphinx indicates a coming period of education, an opportunity for the mind to raise itself above nature. It may indicate that the reason is linked with the soul
The Sphinx has knowledge of the art of prophecy and oracles. It is the keeper of knowledge and beauty of the past and present. It can reveal the potential of any love ( good, bad, or indifferent ). It also holds the key to the physical and spiritual mysteries of intercourse and birth.


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