Friday, February 8, 2008

Salamders ( Fire Elements )

Salamanders are found everywhere. No fire is lit without their help. No heat exists without them. Mostly, they are active underground and internally within the body and mind. They are responsible for all lightning, heat, explosions, and volcanoes.
These are not to be confused iwththe lizard like amphibians. When seen in natural expressions of fire, these elementals often have snakes or serpent like movements within the dancing flames, as if extending out of the fire itself. This was often likened to the slithering movement of the tails of various lizards. This is the only connection to the actual animal.
Salamanders evokes powerful emotional currents in humans. They also stimulate fires of spiritual idealism and perception. Their energy assists in the tearing down of the old and the building of the new, as fire is both destructive and creative in its expression.
Fire elementals work with humans and the world through heat, fire, and flame. Be it the flame of candle or the ethereal flames and light of the sun. They can be powerfully effective in healing work in assisting to detoxify the body, especially in critical situations. They must be used carefully at such times, as their energies are dynamic and difficult to control. They are always present when healing is occur.

Fire elementals work to maintain our spiritual body. They stimulate radiant energy through it, so that it will be passed on to the physical. They stimulate high spirituality, faith, and enthusiasm. They awaken spiritual insigh over psychic, and they color our perceptions. We also have a salamander assinged to hus throughout our life. It also aids us in the operation of the physical body. It assists in circulation and in maintaining proper body temperature. It works with the body's metabolism for greater health. A slow metabolism is often an indication of sluggish salamander activity within the body. A quick metabolism is an indication of great salamander activity within the body. A good connection and relationship with your personal salamander will stimulate vitality and loyalty. It will assist you in becoming more self-willed and assertive. It will inspire strong spiritual currents as well. It will stimulate a new sense of pride and drama for life. Aspirations will remain strong.
Too little connection with your personal fire elemental or any of the spirits of fire may reveal itself through a lack of spiritedness. There will manifest a distrust of life, a lack of faith, and a growing sense of pessimism. Too strong of a connection to this elemental or those of the fire realm may bring on a lack of self control and sensitivity. There will be a growing sense of restlessness and overactivity that may lead to burnign the self out. Lack of patience may reflect too strong an influence from this realm. Of all the elementals, the salamanders are the most difficult to understand and attune to. They are best controlled through placidness. We can control our inner fires best through tranquil, placid contentment. This means accepting life as it is in the here and now. Although they are foremost an agent of nature, salamanders have a great love for music and are drawn to it, especially when it is being composed. Their energies are very stirring, and it takes trememdous ability to control and direct them for the most creative results. Anyone who is a composer or poet or works in any way with the creative power of words could do not better than to attune to the fire elementals. Our personal salamanders will help us understand the mysteries of fire. It will help us awaken higher spiritual vision and aspiration. It will stimulate and strenghten the entire auric field so that there is easier attunement to and recognistion of the spiritual forces within all aspects of our lives.


Unknown said...

Salamanders (mystical) are taught about by the Hermeneutic teacher Franz Bardon. Also the founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith claims to have seen a Salamander.

Marta C. Weeks said...

Can you please tell me about the drawing of the female with the salamander around her neck posted by MysticalVillage and it looks like the author is OESTEN or DESTEN. I am interested in using the drawing.

Marta C. Weeks said...

PS. please contact me at

Anonymous said...

Thank you I have linked it to my fire correspondence page.