Saturday, February 9, 2008



Flower faeries and elves are some of the most delicate and beautiful of the faerie realm. They are as myriad as the flowers themselves, and they serve many functions in regards to the flowers. There are faeries that help the flowers emit their fragrances. There are faeries that assist in making them grow.
There are flower elves and gnomes who work to create the color of the flowers and there are field faeries and elves who watch over the entire area in which they grow.
For every single flower there is one particular faerie who embodies the spirit and essence of the flower itself. This faerie or elf often oversees the activities of the others working with and around that particular flower. Learning to connect with this faerie is the key to unlocking all of the energies of the flower and opening perception to all of the others working around it.
Flowers have always been great sources of inspiration and energy. All aspects of flowers have been used by healers, metaphysicians, and poets. Many flowers have been associated with gods and goddess and are often endowed with mystical qualities.
Flowers in any form are sources of strong energy vibrations. Even dried flowers continue to be such. It is only decayed and decaying flowers that do not. In the case of decayed and decaying flowers, the elementals work for the breakdown of the flower, to return it to its natural element. All of the energy of the elementals and the flower faeries in such cases are drawn inward to facilitate this breakdown. Thus the energy of the flowers in such states has an inverse energy effect. Instead of giving off energy, the draw it away.
Because of this, it is not beneficial to have decaying flowers indoors or in close proximity to you, as the elementals may draw on your energies to break down of the flowers. You may feel energy drains and tiredness as a result. Flowers in the house that are decaying should be removed to an outdoor location. Wildflowers that are dying are usually no problem, as the elementals draw from the natural environment to assist the breakdown, and so you will feel little or no effects.
soulstorage. Special thanks soulstorage for sharing their artwork )

Modern spiritualists are very familiar with the energy aspects of flowers and flower faeries. They take care to set flowers in the seance room or any room in which spiritual activities are going to occur. The fragrance, colour and activity of the flower faeries raise the energy vibrations of the individuals and teh environment.
It is important to note that picking a flower does not stop the activities of the flower faeries and elementals. Part of the reason a rose bud will bloom even after it is picked is because the continued work of the flower faeries.
As the flower dies, however, so will the primary spirit of the flower, along with some of the other faeries associated with that flower. Some may move on to other flowers in the environment and work to assist them to grow. The elementals, though, remain to assist in the breakdown of the flower and its return to its natural elements. In the case of perennials, the flower faeries withdraw and help protect the plant through its dormant stages until it is time to sprout and blossom again.
There are many who find this very sad, but we must keep in mind that those of the faerie realm have a much better view of the life and death process than humans. They see it as a creative process, filled with joy on all levels. To the flower faeries and others of this realm who have short life spans, the time they have is wonderfully bright, warm, and beautiful. While we may have thousands of days, they have thousands of moments in which they rejoice in their life. They also know that beauty will not cease when they die. To them, every moment of their life is long and beautiful, full of joy and sweet feeling.
Flower faeries speak to u s often. Most of the time, we dont pay any attention. Have you ever been for a walk and caught the soft fragrance of a flower? The faeries have greeted you. Have you ever commented on the beautiful color of a particular flower? The faeries have caught your attention. Is there a particular flower that is your favorite? Its flower faeries have something special to share with y ou. Every time you inhale the sweet fragrance of a flower or comment upon its color, you acknowledge the flower faeries.
Every flower faeries and elf is a wonderfully unique creation. Each has its own energy, its own appearance, and often its own personality. Each flower, and thus each flower faerie, can teach us something different. Every flower and faerie will interact with us in their own unique way. Every flower faerie has its own wisdom that they will joyfully share with us if we are open.
It is not difficult to attune to the flower faeries. Begin by learning as much about flowers as possible. How and where do they grow? Learn about their growing processes and all of their parts : roots, bulbs , stems, leaves, blossoms, etc. Every aspect of the flower means somethign and is tied to some faerie activity.
Buy bouquets of flowers on a regular basis. Paint and draw pictures of them. Plant them in your yard, house or garden. Have an area of your yard in which you allow wildflowers to grow freely. Make an amulet that has a picture of your favourite flower on one side and a picture of hte faerie on the other. Try meditation to them on regular basis, it will increase your connection to the flower faeries immensely.
By aligning yourself witht he flower faeries and elves, you align yourself with one of the most creative expressions of mother nature herself. You open yourself to creation, joy, growth, and sustenance. It is these qualities of mother nature that are symbolized by all flowers and epitomized by the flower faeries and elves.
We will be listing some flowers containing information about the faeries and elves associated with them. It also includes the wisdom and energy they can easily impart to us if we learn to work with them. Each flower and its faeries are unique to themselves, but certain groups of flowers and their faeries embody specific characteristics.
Do not limit yourself to the following descriptions, try to meditate to the flower faeries yourself. Feel the joy of discovery.


Flowers and their Faeries

Note that most flower faeries will reveal themselves in the colors of the flower itself. Many healing energies, properties and symbolic significances of flowers are the result of faerie activity. Exploring those aspects of any flower will provide insight into the character of the faeries associated with them. As you learn to attune to one flower faerie, you will find it is easier to attune to them all.

The flower faeries of angelica are very beautiful. The plant is from the wild carrot family, and though many see it as not that beautiful, the faeries and elves belie such impressions. For anyone wishing to connect more fully with the angelic kingdom, this is a wonderful flower to learn to commune with. The faeries of angelica strengthen the aura and they bring good fortune and strong energy. The hold the knowledge of how to radiate more joy in all circumstances. The can reveal the nature and cause of problems in y our life. They will stimulate intuition, and they will even leave the flower and follow indiduals they are attracted to for brief periods, serving as friends and temporary guardians.

The faerie spirit of basil often shows itself in more of an elf form. It holds the knowledge of integrating sexuality and spirituality. Wherever basil grows, there is usually a dragon to be found in the same environment, serving as protector. It also draws dragons when burned as an incense. The faeries and spirits of basil help us awaken greater discipline and devotion.

The faerie of this flower can become a wonder catalyst for change. It often has tremendous insight into the emotional aspects of those who come in touch with it. It can help shed light on dark areas of the soul. These faeries can show how to make the proper changes.



The flower faeries of chrysanthemum easily touch the heart. They stimulate vitality, and they can help strengthen the overall life force of the individual. They hold knowledge of how to express one's life force more lovingly as a h ealing force.

Used as a flower essence, it makes you more perceptive to encounters with the various beings of the faerie realm and facilitates visions of the subtle energies of life.


When used as a bedtime fragrance, thyme draws the wee folk into your sleeping chambers.

Inside the cup of the tulip sits a beautiful flower faerie. This beautiful being awakens trust and helps to clear the mental faculties. These flower faeries can stimulate greater vision, and they hold knowledge of the hidden significance of events, people and things.

To be continue ......

1 comment:

Glen Eaton Hards said...

Cool,loved your insight into the world of Wights, elves; and all manner of creatures from Midgeardt; I have a photo of what I believe to be a Flower Faerie, living in a bloom of an Wild Artichoke (gone wild); nasty plant, thorns up the ying yang; I think it means they (The Asa and Vana), are protecting me. Now if that doesn't certify me I don't know what will???